Draw Name
My name drawn with primitive shapes and polygons. MouseX and MouseY used to control rotation of letters and fill color. A mask needed to finish the "S".
Rotary Clock
Built with rotation, translation and ofGetHours(), ofGetMins() and ofGetSeconds().
Pulse Test
Five circles pulse from black to red with the same interval and different starting offset. Has a malfunction that keeps the pulses from staying in sync.
Rotate Test
Four circles rotate at different speeds while changing color based on the value of the variable controlling the degree of rotation.
Sin Test
Eight circles use sin() to oscillate across the circle at different angles while uniformly changing sizes. Would like to add a screen mode to the circles to multiply or screen their values as they cross.
Array Explosion
N circles are spawned in the center of the canvas and move outwards with randomized velocities and directions.
Array Knot
A cluster of 2 arrays of circles connected in a bezier shape and outlined in different colors that is repulsed by the cursor.
Array Attaction
An array of circes gravitate to the mouse position in an organic way. This is accomplished by dividing the distance by a random number for each circle and moving it that amount closer to the mouse.
Array Attaction Lines
Same attraction behavior with lines connecting circles to the mouse position.
Array Attaction Lines Curves
Same attraction behavior with a bezier shape connecting the circles.
Array Attaction Lines Trails
Same attraction behavior with trails connecting the circle's previous and current positions.
A vector is used to hold a growable array of points (x, y, diameter) that expand after they are drawn.
Pixel Synthesis
Combinations of the i and j variables used in the nested for() loop are used to set the pixel values. This file contains fractal circles, stretching animations created with sin() and cos() and an experiment with the mandlebrot set.
Trianglular Image Processing
A nested for() loop cycles through the source image pixels and translates it into a grid of triangles. Greyscale values are offset through the cycle to create the color tinting.
Circular Image Processing
A nested for() loop cycles through the source image pixels and translates it into a fractal array of circles. Starting with large circles, smaller and smaller circles sample the image at greater resolution and fill in the gaps in the grid. Greyscale values are offset through the cycle to create the color tinting.
Sin Wave
Four animated sin() waves are offset in z-space and can be rotated using mouseX input.
Spheres are imitated by rotating several circles around their central Y axis and rotated around each other using translations and rotations.
Video Processing 1
The fractal circle method is applied to the video source.
Video Processing 2
Brightness is used to control the z-translation of circles forming the image matrix.
Video Processing 3
Pure red, green and blue circles are used to redraw the image.