February, 2011

Feb 11

homework 5

audio analysis meets white square (200px x 200px)

in this homework, I want you to have the same basic rules:

a) start with a white square, 200px x 200px, centered on the screen  *
b) start with a blackbackground
c) draw nothing else on screen

note, to center on the screen, you can use 
ofRect(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2, 200,200);
ofRect(ofGetWidth()/2 - 100, ofGetHeight()/2 - 100, 200,200);

then, based on sonic input, manipulate  the square (or the scene).  what happens to the  square is up to you, does it rotate?  does it change in color?  grow? bounce? explode??

think specifically about sonic qualities, like pitch, and frequency information, and think about “performing” your white square.

make 3 different examples using the variety of techniques of analysis we talked about, pitch detection, fft, and volume detection.

have fun!


also make a graphical score to a piece of music / sound for which traditional music notation isn’t necessary.  Think about what visual languages you can use to represent sound.   for inspiration, see:




Feb 11

Code from Class 5


Feb 11

homework 4

A) Build a non computational sound visualizer
B) Build / Find / Document a visual equivalent to granular synthesis — think specifically about the stochastic nature of granular synthesis, and how you can make something that’s a visual equivalent.
(these are optional / advanced )
C) Advanced: Build an app that uses live audio input to record data for the granular synthesizer.
D) Advanced: Build a Granular sound generator app controlled by a particle system.

Feb 11

links from class 4

Granular synthesis
thicket app
AVES / Golan levin:
http://reactual.com/installation-art/video-sound-woodworms-captured-microphone-sound-tiny-motors-left-devices.html   (in nature)
pitch changing — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QspuCt1FM9M
Granular synthesis visual equivalents
tom friedman (not the economist): total box
granular synthesis / kurt hentshlager http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NLLRKGVDl4
Intro to audio input / Volume RMS, etc
phyiscial modeling
motif / yamaha AM1X
lecture: sounds visualizers
robert hodgins http://vimeo.com/169308
find some good stuff here:  http://reactual.com/
cymatics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cymatics
messa di voce / remark
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw4qklgNIxI – insane starch monsters
ruebens tube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpovwbPGEoo
daito manabe / face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxdlYFCp5Ic

Feb 11

code from class 4

here’s code from class 4 — granular synthesis, RMS for volume, camera / capture hooked up to the additive interactive example.

also, including the app (but not code… yet) for the granular recorder.


have fun!

Feb 11

homework 3

a) See something in new york — a performance, installation, play  — and take some photographs or notes about it.  Let’s do research IRL not just on the net!

b) Create 3 interactive audio visual systems based on AM, FM or Additive synthesis and a primitive visual form (circle, square, triangle).   Think about creating the tightest relationship between the sound and the visual form, and how interaction (mouse, keyboard, other) can influence that.

Feb 11

code from class 3

this is code from class, intro to control panel, AM, FM and additive with control panel, and interactive examples for FM and additive synthesis: avsys_wk3

Feb 11

FM and AM modulation sound samples for HW 2

Hey guys, here are some sound samples for you to match your code up with to make sure that you’ve implemented AM and FM correctly.

Both samples have their Carrier Wave set to 880 Hz and their Modulator Wave set to 440 Hz.


Feb 11

homework 2

a) implement additive, AM and FM synthesis using the sin wave code as a starting point.

b) using additive synthesis, create the most harmonious, beautiful sound that you can.  think about using multiple sin osicllators, with various levels of volume.  Be very, very, very careful not to clip your sounds (ie, scale the volumes so that they add up to less then 1.0).    Use many oscillators.

c) using additive synthesis, create the most evil, terrible, cacophonous and dissonant sound.   Again, take care about volume levels.

d) try to see what the limit of your computer is by adding as many sin oscillators as you can together.   how many can you put into the app with out it skipping.  take care about the volume of each osciallator.

e) using any synthesis technique, attempt to recreate these tones: 

f) make music ! try to transcribe a song (turning the notes into frequencies) and play it via code. And / or, try to create a sequencer that allow you to compose music by controlling some parameters of synthesis over time.   then, create some music with this tool.

have fun!

Feb 11

code from class 2

fun with sin to move things and make sound…


for fixing on OSX the frozen app problem, comment out this line in ofAppRunner:

void ofExitCallback(){

// try to close FMOD:
// try to close rtAudio: