code from class 14
intro to ofxBox2d, ofxBox2d + vector field : algo_week14
algorithmic animation / parsons 2010
intro to ofxBox2d, ofxBox2d + vector field : algo_week14
using a pointer to share objects (a font) between particles; scenes / baseScene: Â algo_week13
noise (via a texture) and applying noise to particles. Â here: algo_week12
a) Using one of the three techniques for fast particle particle interaction, please try to make an interesting interaction (not composition) out of them.  For example, we’ve seen how particle-particle interaction and vector fields can be used, also, we’ve seen how particle particle interaction can be combined with live or prerecorded video.  Make something organic and playful.  No particles as circles, please !!!
b) try using the spring system (springs and springs with internal forces, etc) and combine them with something else we’ve covered, like vector fields, attraction and repulsion, etc.  Can you make something really interesting combing springs and other forces?
c) Take a moment and play with soda constructor.
Save a good model and include a screenshot on your homework page. Â there is info here:
d) now, with that inspiration (hopefully) use the spring example with muscles (ie, springs that have their rest length changing) to make a creature that does something interesting.
+ advanced +
e) can you make flocking (or interacting) spring based creatures?
a) combine the vector field and particle-particle interaction in an interesting way.  think, for example, about your particle particle interaction homeworks (or your vector field homeworks) and is there any one there that you’d like to improve?  Make something super interesting.  No circles!
b) take a look at the flocking code, especially changing the parameters relating to flocking (see particle.cpp for the definitions of the radius and strength of the different forces).  Can you make the flocking more interesting?  Find the most interesting parameters (and remember, every particle doesn’t have to have the same values, they can be different) and then work to use this in an interesting composition.  For example, can you include other forces in addition to the flock simulation to make it more interesting?  Don’t forget about the other things you’ve learned, like the point recorder and sin/cos, etc.
extra credit:
c) working alone or in a group, can you design an algorithm for FASTER particle particle interaction? Â It must run at 30 FPS in realtime. Â Think about how spatial division can help, and how simple things, like sorting can be very effective. Â I am VERY happy to help with this.
code from class 11 (flocking, springs) :Â algo_week11
faster particle particle interaction code.
for your homework, I’d like you to create 3 compositions with the particle particle interaction code.
for one at least, I’d like you combine the vector field and particle-particle interaction in an interesting way.  think, for example, about your particle particle interaction homeworks (or your vector field homeworks) and is there any one there that you’d like to improve?  Make something super interesting.  No circles!
for the others, try to model a natural phenomenon, such as smoke, water, waterfalls, puddles, etc. What interesting combinations of forces can you come up with?
all the particles now all repel or attract each other with the same radius. Can you make them have different radii, and still get attraction and repulsion working? Â Can you visualize all the forces that are operating per frame? Â ie, which particles are within range of each other. Â Finally, can you make the particle particle interaction fast (see the second example from class)?
here’s particle particle interaction code: Â algo_week7
a,b,c) Create 3 compositions using the vector field. These can be interactive or static (meaning, the VF can change or not based on user input) based on input from the mouse, keyboard, or video / camera (as shows in the last example). Think about drawing and using the particles in an interesting way (not just circles, but how do draw images, use atan2, etc).  Play with the damping forces inside of the particles. Make an interesting and unique field for the particles to move on. Be sure to experiment with turning off the drawing of the field.  If you want to, think of  a “game” based on this.
this is pretty advanced, so no worries, just throwing it out there…
d) I promise this will look good and be interesting… Convert the vector field into an image, using hsv color – use the angle of the vector field for the hue (think angle = position on the color wheel), magnitude for brightness, and use full saturation. Then convert hsv to rgb info (some transformation routines are available here: here / here) and put that into a pixel array. Then upload this pixel array into a texture and draw it. You might need play a bit with the resolution of the vector field (you might need higher res to get a good texture image).   I promise that you will not be disappointed….